On 13rd October 2023, in the framework of the #ErasmusDays2023 EU Track and IC Montessori organised the multiplier event of the BIG GAME project. The event took place at "Don Adriano Bragazzi" primary school. More than 100 people took part in the event, above all teachers and educational experts of the nearby schools who are interested in the Erasmus projects and have little experience about them. The Principal, Mrs Marini and Erasmus coordinator, Mrs Battista, welcomed the audience. The Big Game coordinator, Mrs. Gazzellini and the Science teacher, Mrs Perini explained the Big Game project and its aims and presented the two scenarios, set in our territory,created by our students: The Killer Crayfish and The Armaggedon Scenario. Our vice-principal, Mrs Paolucci introduced the protagonists of the project, the students, who were very excited while explaining their opinions. Afterwards, a nursery school teacher, Mrs Tagliavento, showed a project elaborated for nursery and primary schools, inspired by the Big Game Project, since studying environmental problems affecting our territory, through games seems to be motivating for younger students, too.